Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Sad Discovery

I have just figured out that I don't like Cherries anymore.
You never know what you are going to get with them. Some are sweet and some are sour and some even taste a bit rooten...

An Essay on the Do's and Don't's of Grazia Magazine

Attention: I am using the verb ‘to read’ because it suits the occasion better, I’m not sure what verbs can work with the action of having a Grazia in your hand.

Where to read Grazia?
- When the airplane is taking off – it’s too much pressure to read a book.
- Waiting on a line where you have to check the number they are at every other second.
- In bed, when you are so tired, you will check one page and fall asleep.
- Sitting in the toilet – definitely! – everyone reads in the toilet come on!
- At the beach with friends or when it’s too hot to read a book.

Why read Grazia?
- Because it relaxes your brain.
- The right amount of gossip from the famous people.
- You can get nice tips on many many super important issues – like how to choose an eyeliner colour that suits you or what kind of dress suits your apple or pear shaped body better.
- They always have a double page on a way to make the world better – it’s always important to know that there are some kids dying of hunger in Bangladesh or a Etipian young mother tortured and in jail for commiting adultery, whilst going through some choices of your favorite shops’ high trends of the season.
- They always have tips on diets, that you will never pursue, but it’s nice to read and fantasize anyway.
- Reading the testament of someone that cheated on their husband with their best friend or someone that aborted an IVF fetus – it’s good to know you are not that fu… up and that you still consider your problems quite shallow in comparison to those.
- oh and the correspondence part – I’ve always loved that one for no reason really…

Where NOT to read Grazia?
- At the office – you will seem superficial.
- At University, school, or others – again you will seem superficial.
- On the tube – because you will just be wasting a good time to read a nice book.

Why NOT read Grazia?

- Because it’s a big waste of time, that you could be spending on other things, like reading an awesome book, watching a good movie, learning a new language, hanging out with your friends, kissing your boyfriend, listening to good music, cooking a nice meal and on and on and on and on… but Grazia is Grazia and we read it just because we do!

Have a nice day!

Toilets on trains...

... are the most horrible and awkward situations! The smell, the toilet paper, the shaking of the train, etc etc etc... uGHHHH I hate them!

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Childhood Memories: Bibo Pai e Bobi Filho

Poemas de Pessoa 4

A ARANHA do meu destino
Faz teias de eu não pensar.
Não soube o que era em menino,
Sou adulto sem o achar.
É que a teia, de espalhada
Apanhou-me o querer ir...
Sou uma vida baloiçada
Na consciência de existir.
A aranha da minha sorte
Faz teia de muro a muro...
Sou presa do meu suporte.

de Fernando Pessoa

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Sunday, 6 June 2010

L's Agenda/ May 2010

Pawel Althamer – Foksal Gallery Foundation, Warsaw (preview)
Edward Krasinki’s studio – Warsaw
Fall Out: War and Conflict in the British Council Collection – Whitechapel Gallery
Ryan Gander – Lisson Gallery
Gender Check! - Zacheta Gallery, Warsaw
Arshile Gorky – Tate Modern
Rachel Harrison. Conquest of the Useless – Whitechapel Gallery
John Latham – Lisson Gallery
The Nature of the Beast. Meetings Archive – Whitechapel Gallery
Michael Rakowitz – Tate Modern
Janek Simon. The Sea. - RASTER Gallery, Warsaw
Theo Van Doesburg – Tate Modern
Warsaw Uprising Museum
„Wystawa” - Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej

Date Night (2010). John Klausner. With Steve Carell and Tina Fey.
Enduring Love (2004). Roger Michell. With Daniel Craig and Samantha Morton.

Weeds 3