Saturday, 9 February 2008

We have Proof!

As you can see in the photographs below... I wasn't lying! They exist! Our friend, the famous photographer MICHA, was very kind and gave us these pictures that he took on his own balcony! Can you believe them??? In the first one you can actually see the little felow sing! Nature has some weird creatures... Birds with Insomnia, who would've thought of that?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a pleasure being part of this theme. Working as a reporter direcly from my home balcony for these very good friends (Lully and G Jesus) it couldn't be better, to become easely sensible by this themme, these wonderfull litle fella's called «European robin» the («Erithacus rubecula») also made those momments of investigation amanzingly interesting.
British Robins are mostly sedentary though a few migrate to Spain and Portugal for the winter. Juveniles disperse from their natal sites in May but very rarely move further than a few kilometres (miles).

I hope I've been usefull, see you guys next time with full of aventures.

twiddle-oo, twiddle-eedee, twiddle-oo twiddle"
