Tuesday 30 November 2010

The Metro Cable of San Agustin

This short film documents a new and revolutionary approach to urban planning. Located within one of Caracas, Venezuela's largest and least accessible barrios, the new cable car system is integrated within the Metro System of Caracas. Designed by Urban-Think Tank, the Metro Cable of San Agustin is 2.1 km in length and employs gondolas holding 8 passengers each. The Metro Cable’s capacity allows for the movement of 1,200 people per hour in each direction.

The design was conceived by Urban-Think Tank in collaboration with community residents, local leaders, and international experts. Additionally, each cable car station will possess different social and cultural services such as low-cost housing, a gymnasium, public space ,a supermarket, and a day care center. This project is predicated upon public transportation but strives to holistically bolster the foundations of San Agustin.

The Metro Cable of San Agustin from Urban-Think Tank on Vimeo.

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